Bethel Airport (BET)

Primary AirportNon-Hub
Bethel, AK 99559

Departure Stats

Flights out of Bethel Airport

16Weekly Flights
8%Delayed Flights
1  hr Average Delay

Delay Causes

Air Traffic12%
Airline Operations4%
Bad Weather1%
Late Arriving Aircraft54%
National Security11%

Domestic Routes

Domestic Destinations from Bethel Airport (BET)

ANCAnchorage Metro Area, AK16

Major Carriers

Airlines Flying out of Bethel Airport (BET)

Alaska Airlines100%92%

Location Map

Nearby Airports

Airports near Bethel Airport (BET)

Dillingham Airport
166 miles, SE
King Salmon Airport
232 miles, SE
Nome Airport
282 miles, N
Kodiak Airport
390 miles, SE